
Pages and links

Introduction and welcome message

Yachtsman220 Bible Study Blog
This blogger site has restarted
There is now only new content:

If you are looking for a particular item that I refer to as Old Content that used to be here, it is now here instead: The only thing that remains of the old content here is the counter of visitors of the old content which as of the restart date 8/21/2018 said 14,432
I have selected the HTTPS Redirect Setting to revert back to No. What that means is, if you are here because you live in a part of the world where you will be arrested for going to an https address, you can still go to my http address and you can remain there with just the regular problems having to do with site navigation within this site (I designed the default site navigation http address to be https not http if you are in one area of the site and decide to click a link to go to another area of the site. The work around is to come to the introduction and welcome message and make your move from the table below instead. We don't wan't you guys getting arrested because you came to an unsecured site and then it automatically migrated to a secure site because you clicked on an internal link , but if you don't live in one of those parts of the world you can switch to my https address Here and you will be redirected to my encrypted secure site where you can be free from the attacks of hackers and the spying eyes of governments who love to watch what people all over the world are doing.
There is a very good reason that I did this, I looked at the countries that have visited this blog over the years. There are thousands of visitors who have the possibility of being arrested for visiting a site with an address of https. They used to visit my blog back when it was an http blog but they wouldn't want to visit any more if it was not an http site anymore. By changing it back they can continue to visit it as they have done for years. Can I hear and AMEN????
Here the statistics to prove what I am talking about:
United States

secure site internal navigation name Page
Brought to you by a fan of
unsecure site internal navigation name Page
Brought to you by a fan of *
* there is no point in making this address a hyperlink, it automatically resets as https before it is fully displayed
just be aware that as a blog site is trying to make the http option available to you
as much as possible to keep you out of jail.
I am sharing an article I found about a related issue, doing things not unlike visiting a web address beginning with https in some countries: